"You is nosing, you is!"

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I ask a lot of questions. Sometimes they can be rude, or sound demanding, or about things that are really none of my business. This definitely makes me sound nosy, and I sort of am, but not for usual reasons. I don't take private things people tell me and spread them around. I don't hold thoughts friends tell me in their moments of vulnerability and use them as a weapon. I keep secrets that aren't mine to tell. It's always fun to know gossip, but I don't dig and pry to get all up in grills. I ask because I want to understand. There's mysteries in everyone; stuff to complex for them to even know yet. I want to unravel these. I always want to know what's going on in the head in front of me, why they do what they, what they're thinking. My level of interest varies depending who it is, but it's almost always there. I don't have horrible ulterior motives when I ask questions about people's lives, I just want to try to piece things together in my own head. So if anyone I know ever reads this, I'm sorry for sounding rude. It's all in my quest for knowledge.


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