Pretty sure words are the most powerful force on earth.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fire? Water? Sulfuric acid? Fogeddaboutit. People use words to hurt, lie, influence, change. Words can build up falsities and destroy beauty. People use words every day, and the scary part is, I don't think they understand the invincible weapon they always have at the ready. There are an infinite number of combinations, and changing one word can change a whole meaning. This is way relaying messages and gossiping and being a go-between always backfires. Words are inconsiderately tossed around, when a real sit-down conversation is the best way to communicate. I'm not sure about other people, but I put a lot of stock into words. When I'm told something, I obsess if the same person then tells me the opposite. It's so easy to manipulate and hurt people this way, even unintentionally. So I urge everyone, please be careful with your weapon. It has powers that are not yet understood.


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